Our firm was born in response to the identified need by our work as former governmental and private officials in different entities, as an integral and responsible advisory service for the migratory projects of people, families and companies that plan to migrate to another country or to establish in Colombia.
Each one of the attorneys and consultants has a distinct vocation of service that makes each acquired case to be carried in the absolute best interest to obtain a positive result, because we care about the welfare of our clients.
Legal migration is possible. Our purpose as a company is to provide you with better information and representation, to guide you in the right direction and in a legal way, to achieve all your migratory objectives.
Bmlegal is a boutique firm of attorneys and consultants specialized and dedicated to professional services, ethical and responsible services for immigration. We offer our clients, legal advice and representation that allows them to make the decisions about their immigration plans.
Contact Us
T- +57 302-2400096